martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021



En este blog encontraremos diferentes razones de porque la robótica es mas interesantes de lo que uno cree.

martes, 28 de febrero de 2017

Films with advanced technology Part 2

I`m going to talk about the film Transformers because this robots come from a planet called Cybertron that come to the earth because they´re going to fight with the humans to fight the Decepticons that want to kill the Autobots.

And they can scan the cars to transform and help the humans and that is good for them.
The advantages are they can fight the decepticons better than before but the disadvantages are that the decepticons can do the same.
Resultado de imagen de transformers      The Trailer :
Resultado de imagen de transformers decepticons

miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2017

Films with advanced technology Part 1

I choose independence Day: counteratack film because in the last film a extraterrestral things attack  the earth before so the humans take the technology of the aliens like:
Resultado de imagen de independence day weapons

Resultado de imagen de independence day weapons
Thanks of the technology the humans can fight the other wave of aliens that a better technology than before but humans a secret weapon that make them better.
The advantages of the technology is they can protect theirselves batter tahn before and travel to the moon with more facility but the disadvantages are that the aliens have a better technology.
And here you have the trailer of the movie:

martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016

I Choose this topic about the history of the impression 3d.

In the 1980s, equipment and materials for the manufacture of early additives were developed.3 In 1981, Hideo Kodama of the Municipal Institute of Industrial Research in Nagoya invented two AM methods of making a three-dimensional plastic model with a photo- That the area of ​​exposure to UV rays was controlled by a mask pattern or scanning fiber transmitter.

So, i choose this topic because i was interesant to know the origin of the new technology of 3d.
In the world are a lot of topics that you can find.
The first building made up og impression 3D.The printer that has been used in the project is a machine about six meters high; 36.5 in length and 12.20 in width. Mohammed Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs of the United Arab Emirat.
The facilities, which have invested 125,000 euros, occupy 250 square meters and are located in the center of one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates.

I choose this topic because i was surprised cause it was my first time that i saw a impression 3d building.And i choose it because it was interesant.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

The History of Instagram
In 2015, Instagram earned an estimated $630 million in revenue. In 2016, it’s on track to earn $1.5 billion. In this week’s episode of The Premise, FORBES Tech podcast, we examine how Instagram made itself a prestige brand for advertisers and why its acquisition by Facebook that is a model that other techcompanies should pay attention to.

Over the last year, several of the engineers on Google GOOGL -0.72% self-driving car program have left. But turnover in the engineering team may actually be a good sign for the program, as the departures are typical when a project moves from research to commercialization.

I choose it because I think is interesant  cause you you can learn about how instagram can win the money, and when the people are taking their photos the instagram company are winning money for each of our photos.

What is Cyberbullying?
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites.
Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking.
The link of this topic is:
I choose this topic because they are a lot of people that suffer of cyberbullying and want to you to know the information about it.
I think this topic is interesting because you can learn and help some people that suffer cyberbullying.